Stories hold the meaning of our lives.

The Narrative Center mission is to foster well-being and connection and to empower people to tell their story based on a narrative therapy approach. By connecting, learning, and growing in the community, we transform and heal together. We provide workshops, community based storytelling events and narrative therapy resources and training. We believe that our stories have the power to transform the world. Come join us on this journey of discovery.



Join our community! Join us at our workshops where we explore the stories and songs that have shaped your life. Research shows that “we don’t just tell stories, stories tell us. They shape our thoughts and memories, and even change how we live our lives. Storytelling isn’t just how we construct our identities, stories are our identities.” Sadie F. Dingfelder


Community Events

Storytelling is a fundamental aspect of being a human. Human beings are natural storytellers and everything in our lives becomes a story to tell. We invite you to be a storyteller. We welcome your participation in our annual community based storytelling project held each summer. In oral tradition, storytellers were regarded as healers, leaders, spiritual guides, teachers, cultural secret keepers and entertainers. Storytelling can come in many forms, including songs, stories, poetry, chants and dance. However you express yourself, we want to hear your story. 


Narrative Therapy

Resources and Training

A powerful modality for individual and community healing and growth. Within a narrative framework, people’s lives and identities are seen as multi-storied versus single-storied. To this end, those interested in implementing narrative therapy in their practice can collaborate with people in ‘re-authoring’ the stories of their lives.