Sound Track of Your Life

Music has the power to heal us and inspire us. It is the backdrop against which we live our lives. It has the capacity to take us to different worlds, much like reading a story does. The songs we love are like memory capsules-each time you listen to a song that was important to you at a certain time in your life, you are transported to that memory, and are able to make sense of old memories. Music helps us feel less alone, and the emotions that music brings forth allows us to make sense of not just our past, but our present and what we might want in the future. In this workshop, we will explore your relationship to the songs that have shaped your life.

  1. Explores the relationship between music and our lives, and how music can be used to heal, inspire, and transport us to different worlds.

  2. Recognizes the power of music to help us make sense of our memories, emotions, and experiences, and to feel less alone.

  3. Focuses on the songs that have been important to participants at different times in their lives, and how they have shaped their experiences and identities.

  4. Provides a safe and supportive environment for participants to share their stories and connect with others through music.

  5. Encourages participants to reflect on the meaning and significance of their favorite songs, and to explore how they can use music to support their personal growth and well-being.

  6. Offers a unique and creative approach to self-exploration and self-expression, using music as a tool for reflection and healing.

Your Story is Power Workshop

Telling our story adds color to our lives. When you share your story, you can inspire others, and in return, allow them to inspire you. It also gives you the chance to reflect on the past, learn from it, and grow more into your authentic self. Story is Power is a storytelling workshop that helps you explore new ways of telling your story.  We focus on the power you have within  to be the expert of your life and write your own story. You become the heroine, not a sidekick or a peripheral character, in your own narrative. In the process of crafting your story, you will discover your inner strength and courage and become the best possible you.

  1. Recognizes the importance of storytelling as a way to add to our lives and to inspire and be inspired by others.

  2. Provides a safe and supportive environment for participants to explore new ways of telling their stories and to reflect on their past experiences.

  3. Emphasizes the power that individuals have to be the experts of their own lives and to write their own stories, becoming the heroines or heroes of their own narratives.

  4. Encourages participants to discover their inner strength and courage through the process of crafting their own stories.

  5. Fosters personal growth and self-awareness through the exploration of individual stories and experiences.

  6. Offers a creative and empowering approach to self-expression and self-discovery, allowing participants to become the best possible versions of themselves.

Our Story is Power Workshop

According to the Gottmans, couples who create shared meaning together through a joint narrative have more fulfilling relationships. Each couple has their own uniquely beautiful story, however, when that shared meaning leaves, intimacy between the couple goes  with it. In order to rebuild that intimacy, couples can come together and begin to shift their perspective and co-create their relationship story. By doing this, they discover what the past means for the both of them, what they are meant to do together in the present, and how they can co-create their exciting future-one that is filled not just with challenges and intense moments, but with adventure and new discoveries.

  1. Focuses on the importance of creating shared meaning in a relationship through a joint narrative, as highlighted by the Gottmans.

  2. Recognizes that every couple has their own unique story and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a shared meaning and narrative to keep the intimacy alive in the relationship.

  3. Provides a safe and supportive environment for couples to reflect on their relationship story and to co-create a new narrative together.

  4. Helps couples to shift their perspective and discover what the past means to both of them, what they are meant to do together in the present, and how they can co-create an exciting future.

  5. Encourages couples to embrace challenges and intense moments in their relationship while also embracing adventure and new discoveries.

  6. Offers a collaborative and empowering approach to enhancing intimacy in relationships, helping couples to develop a deeper understanding of each other and to build a stronger connection.